
About quantx

QuantX Labs is a privately-owned, highly respected Australian company and a world-leader in high-precision timing and quantum sensor technologies. It was established in 2016, currently employs 15 staff and its flagship product – Cryoclock – is a key inclusion to the $1.2B AIR2025 JORN Phase 6 Defence upgrade program.

Our specialised team have more than 80 years combined experience in the innovation and development of precision measurement devices.

QuantX Labs has very close links to its R&D powerhouse at the Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing at the University of Adelaide. IPAS is at the forefront of precision measurement and QuantX and the University of Adelaide have developed a translation pathway to commercialise research outputs.

We FOCUS on helping our customers solve some of the world’s most complex and pressing problems using our strengths in precision measurement.

We SCALE our expertise and innovation by partnering with universities and other likeminded organisations. We demonstrate IMPACT by continuing to deliver valuable products and services to our stakeholders.

OUR vision

To be the premier, sovereign provider of highest precision timing & sensors products

OUR Values




Prof Andre Luiten

Co-founder & Managing Director

A/Prof Martin O’Connor

General Manager

Andrew Fletcher AO

Independent Director

Kim Scott

Independent Director


Kim Scott

Defence Business Advisor

Gordon Frazer

HR Radar Specialist


No staff currently in this position