
Precision Quantum Sensing.
The quantum revolution is upon us; At its heart, quantum engineering is about how individual photons and atoms interact and how we can control them to sense the world.
Our Precision Quantum Sensing technologies are reinventing how our customers can solve their most challenging problems and increase their resilience in an uncertain world.
Scroll down to find out more about what makes us different to any other company on the planet.
The ultimate frequency signal source
The Sapphire Clock technology developed by QuantX Labs stands-alone globally in the ultra-high performance oscillator market. Two key factors provide a significant competitive advantage over the next best competing technologies including the active Hydrogen maser and high-performance quartz oscillators.
1. Ultimate frequency purity: On account of its incredibly high Q-factor, orders of magnitude higher than any other oscillator technology, the Sapphire Clock technology is the purest frequency source commercially available.
Key metrics
Q-factor – 1 billion, Phase noise @ 1Hz offset – 1,000 to 10,000x better than best commercial quartz oscillators.
2. Extreme frequency stability: On time scales of less than an hour or so, the Sapphire Clock technology is the most stable frequency source commercially available. Its stability is equivalent to only losing or gaining one second every 40 million years.
Key metrics
Allan Variance stability – 10x better than best commercial active Hydrogen masers and Cesium beam.
It is these two factors in combination that sets the Sapphire Clock product apart from any other master oscillator technology and allows for a step-change improvement to the signal performance of any large scale, networked electronic system.

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